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Pantry Challenge 2019 Week Two Recap

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We just wrapped up Week Two of Pantry Challenge 2019! Despite a few challenges we ate all meals at home and saved a little money in the process. 

Pantry Challenge 2019 Week Two Recap

We are halfway through Pantry Challenge 2019! Can I get a woo hoo?!

Week Two presented us with a couple unexpected challenges. The biggest hurdle was not having an oven . And not knowing when it would be repaired made meal planning fun (not!).

Thankfully we had plentiful food options and were able to swap out meals as needed. It wasn’t ideal but we made it work.

And, we avoided eating out for a second week. Ka ching – that’s money in the bank!

Pantry Challenge 2019 Week 2 Recap Feature | A Reinvented Mom #pantrychallenge


What We Ate This Week:

I prepared a meal plan for the week but a couple hiccups forced us to make some last minute changes. Not much of a problem because we still have a lot of food options in the pantry and freezer.

These are the meals we ate this week:

Monday  – Grilled burgers, potato chips 

Tuesday – Snacky Dinner: smoked salmon salad with crackers, salami & cheese, cocktail weinies with sauce, veggies with Ranch

Easy Slow Cooker Lasagna | A Reinvented Mom


Wednesday – Slow Cooker Lasagna, green salad, garlic bread

Thursday – Leftovers 

Friday – Chicken skewers (from the freezer), frozen veggie mix

Saturday – Grilled Ham & Cheese sandwiches

Sunday – Grilled burgers, fries

Breakfasts – cereal, yogurt, eggs

Lunches – canned soup, sandwiches, leftovers

Snacks – banana bread, chocolate chip cookies 

Grocery Shopping:

We stayed under the $40 budget and spent $36.38 on groceries. Nothing too exciting this week – produce, milk, bread and a few treats for The Girl.

I had an E-coupon for free grocery pickup and decided to utilize the online shopping cart & pickup this week. Shopping online makes it easier to stay on budget because you can see your cart total in real time. It’s also a huge time saver to simply roll-up to the designated area, load your groceries and GO.  

Week Two Observations:

  • I had to toss out the meal plan this week because the oven decided to go on the fritz at the beginning of the week (boo!). Despite the last minute hiccup, we still ate all meals at home. 
  • Word is out we are doing a Pantry Challenge. Not too much grumbling (yet!).
  • Our meals weren’t too exciting this week. I was limited to soft foods and my people had to fend for themselves most of the week. While it would have been easy to make a drive-thru run we managed to resist the temptation.
  • Did you notice we had burgers twice this week? The weather warmed up enough that we could fire up the grill (yea!). We’ve been on a mission to eat the remaining burger patties stashed in the freezer. They weren’t our favorite burgers but not bad enough to waste (aka throw away). I’m happy to report mission accomplished – all the frozen patties are now gone! Never buying that brand again (ha!).

I’d love to hear how you are doing with the Pantry Challenge 2019. Feel free to share your wins and challenges in the Comments below or post to my Facebook page.

Have a beautiful day!

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Previous Pantry Challenge Posts:

Pantry Challenge 2019 – Week One Recap

Join Me for Pantry Challenge 2019 + BONUS Printable

Pantry Challenge 2018 – Getting Started & Free Inventory Printable

All Pantry Challenge Posts

Pantry Challenge Recipe Ideas:


Favorite Pasta Salad Feature #2 | A Reinvented Mom




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